Choose one that is free of discharge from any orifice. This may be your best indicator of health.Kitten Sex
The sex of the kitten may matter to you, depending on your temperament. "Feel the underside" and if there are bumps, it's probably a male. Although some females will exhibit these characteristic bumps at an early age, all males will have them. Regardless of the sex of the kitten, plan on spaying or neutering your pet. Your new kitten can be neutered as soon as 12 weeks of age according to a new study. Males have the reputation of being more independent, but I have not found this true. Both sexes make good "mousers," but while males will play with a mouse, a female will kill it.Flea Control
Flea control should start as soon as the kitten is weaned. Use flea wipes or powder instead of drops or baths for the first 6 months. After that, you can graduate to the drops and flea baths. Collars are also a good choice. No matter which method you choose, watch your cat closely for the first 24 hours after applying the treatment in case your cat has a reaction to it. Keep the package handy so you will know what to do to stop the reaction. In the case of a collar, remove it; in the case of flea powder, you will have to bathe your cat. |
What to Feed Your Kitten
Feed a high quality diet designed for kittens. Your veterinarian is your best source for information regarding an appropriate diet for your kitten. Dry foods are usually most economical and have the advantage of providing a rough surface that will help reduce plaque and tartar buildup on your kitten's teeth, but canned foods can be fed as a supplement if desired. The amount fed will depend on your cat's diet, as well as the age, size, and activity level of your kitten. Kittens can be fed free-choice or at set mealtimes; however, many veterinarians recommend feeding all pets at set mealtimes because intake can be more easily monitored. Canned foods should always be fed at set times, because if left unrefrigerated, they can spoil. I recommend use of stainless steel bowls because plastic and ceramic bowls can scratch, leaving crevices for bacteria to hide. The plastic and ceramic types of bowls (and resultant resident bacteria) have been associated with feline "acne" and skin irritation.Try not to change your cats diet radically. This can cause stomach upset.
Play With Your Kitten:
Use a flashlight or Laser Toy, and never aim toward the face. Aim about 6"-8" away from the kitten and get its attention. Drive the baby nuts trying to catch it. This is really good during the "crazies" when they are all tooth and claw! There are also bubbles you blow, Balls, mice and other toys to wear your baby out. Remember to rotate the toys regularly so the kitten does not become bored and decide your shoes, feet or hands (or worse!) are the toy of the day.Litter Box Training
Pick a litter box that is the right size for your kitten. Too large and she may not be able to get into the box in time, causing accidents. Too small and your new kitten may outgrow the box too quickly. You may need more than one box during the first six months your kitten lives with you. They can be consolidated into one, larger box later, as your kitten gains control of her functions.Your cat should be able to turn around comfortably in the box without having to step out. If the box is too small, you will set the stage for other problems later on. If you have a very large breed cat such as a Maine Coon or just a big kitty, your litter box may become too small very quickly. I have found that the large storage boxes make excellent litter boxes for exceptionally large cats. I get them at the discount store, discard the lid and fill with litter. As long as the cat can turn around comfortably and it holds enough litter to be useful, you can use it.
Cat Beds
You kitten may want to sleep with you at first, but provide a bed for your cat to sleep in. Allergies can develop that will make you very uncomfortable around your cat.Training
Never strike or yell at your cat. A firm "no" is all you need. If your cat ignores you, use a soda can with a penny in it, taped up, and shake it before you say "no." If you use this gimmick, it alerts your kitten by sound and gets its attention. Alternatively, you can use a clicker to mark the good behaviors you want your kitten to exhibit. The correct use of the clicker is described on Cat Training Tips.
Redirect your kitten's attention to something else if it gets into something you don't want it to. Kittens are easily amused, and this is better than any discipline I've ever found. Redirection is the most important tool in the trainer or owners list of tricks.